Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin Wiki

This page details all the locations in Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin.

Lowly Realm[]

The Lowly Realm is the realm of mortals - the realm of "children of men". It is linked directly to the Lofty Realm via the Tree of Creation - if the Lofty Realm falls on hard times, it will reflect on the Lowly Realm and manifest as something similar, such as times of war and famine. Likewise, if the Lofty Realm prospers, the Lowly Realm will therefore become more peaceful; this works both ways. There are many religions in the Lowly Realm and since the Lofty Realm is undergoing a transitional period, the Lowly Realm is currently experiencing famine, poverty and war on a widespread scale.

Notable residents include Kinta, Tauemon, Myrthe, Yui and Kaimaru.

Lofty Realm[]

The Lofty realm is the realm of gods; it is governed by, with the exception of some who do not swear allegiance to her, Lady Kamuhitsuki. As with the Lowly Realm, the Lofty Realm is tied to the Lowly Realm in that times of hardship or prosperity in the Lofty Realm will manifest also in the Lowly Realm and vice versa. The only way to access the Lofty Realm from the Lowly Realm is via the Bridge of Heaven - however nobody, not even Lady Kamuhitsuki, knows when the bridge will manifest.

Notable residents include Sakuna, Kokorowa, Tama, Lady Kamuhitsuki and Ashigumo.

Hinoe, "The Isle of Demons"[]

Hinoe, also known as "The Isle of Demons", as it was abandoned a long time ago to monsters, is an isle near the edge of the boundary between the heavens and the mortal realm. It is the only place in all of the Lofty Realm not under the control of Lady Kamuhitsuki, and thus Sakuna has been tasked with rectifying this.

Hinoe is the name given to the island by the Ashigumo tribe long ago.






Gathering Spots[]

Gathering Spots, not to be confused with Gathering Areas, are where Sakuna can visit to gather for a set amount of time.


